Web Design & Development

People are searching frequently on search engines about “Web Design Company” and “Web Development Company” or many other phrases like Web Companies” to take their business online. Web Designing and Development both are different terms and  requires a unique skill sets. Web Design refers to the portion of website and it’s usability and designers use various program like “Adobe Photoshop” to create the layout and other visual sections. While Web Development makes a web design functional. Developers use coding or programing language like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP etc. in creating a website.

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Why Your Business Needs Web Design And Development ?

Need of Web Design for a business: I hope we all are very well aware with the importance of a Website for a Business. In this current digital world when most of the people are using smart phones, tablets, laptops etc. and buying products/services online then your business should also be participating in this online Market. As we all know website is a very first point of contact or much like your physical storefront to the online users or the only way of taking your business online. So a website design or layout should be actual, attractive, with quality content or we can say easy to understand. User takes only 0.05 seconds to judge your website so it should be like impress the user right away.
Need of Web Development for a business: When you are taking your business online then requirement of a website comes into place and when we are talking about website then along with the web design requirement of the Web Development automatically comes into place. Web Design is like designing at the frontend of a website i.e. its layout, images, texts, colors, styles etc. while development covers the work that is performed by computer programmers at the backend of the website who has the skills of computer languages like HTML, JAVA, PHP, CSS etc. It includes development of header, body, footer, navigation menus, contact forms etc. or we can say its a process of developing a structure of the website where designing helps in making it attractive.

Web Design VS. Development

Designing is a process of visualizing, planning and creating a collection of e-files that shapes the layout, color, text styles, structure, images, graphics and use of various interactive features that deliver professional and attractive pages to site visitors. It covers the works like :-
Web Development is a process of building and maintenance of a website. It is a work that happens behind the website to make it great using programing languages like CSS, JavaScript, HTML, PHP etc. It covers the works like :- 1. Web Development, that enable the features like Buttons, images, text, contact forms, navigation menus etc. 2. Mobile App Development 3. Ecommerce Development